
Nils Landgren
The Moon, The Stars And You

VÖ: 27.01.2012

Genre: Jazz aus Schweden

No longer available

ACTLP 9505-1, 614427950512
Nils Landgren / trombone & vocals
Michael Wollny / piano
Lars Danielsson / bass
Rasmus Kihlberg / drums

Special Guests:
Joe Sample / piano
João Bosco / guitar & vocals
Richard Galliano / accordion
Steve Gadd / drums
Caecilie Norby / vocals
NDR Bigband & Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

Produced by Nils Landgren & Siggi Loch
The longed-for ballad album after "Sentimental Journey": As a singer and trombonist, Landgren shows his romantic side. With Joe Sample, João Bosco, Richard Galliano, Michael Wollny, Lars Danielsson and Caecilie Norby, among others.

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Nils Landgren
For the words versatility and curiosity, there is a synonym: Nils Landgren. Virtuosically, "Mr. Red Horn" navigates from perspective to perspective, partly because he thrives on constant change. Two souls reside in his chest: When the audience experiences him with his "Funk Unit," the Swede reveals his distinctive, relentlessly groovy side and becomes the jazz action hero. But there's also a very gentle, melancholic, highly sentimental Nils Landgren. This side of him emerges, for example, during the Advent season when the instrumentalist and singer celebrates "Christmas With My Friends," or in his ballad projects. On the trombone, he intones with unparalleled smoothness, and his uniquely textured, fragile voice touches the heart and soul with its sensitivity.
From €22.00*
From €17.50*