
Nils Landgren
New Eyes On Martin Luther

VÖ: 26.05.2017

Genre: Jazz aus Schweden

No longer available

ACT 9852-2, 614427985224
Nils Landgren / trombone & vocals
Jeanette Köhn / soprano
Magnus Lindgren / clarinet & flute
Eva Kruse / bass
Johan Norberg / guitar

Capella de la Torre
directed by Katharina Bäuml:

Birgit Bahr / alto shawn
Regina Hahnke / dulcian
Falko Munkwitz / sackbut
Marthe Perl / violone
Peter A. Bauer / percussion
Johannes Vogt / lute & theorbo
Martina Fiedler / organ
Katharina Bäuml / shawm

Knabenchor Hannover

Jörg Breiding / conductor

Recorded live in concert at Landesfunkhaus Niedersachsen, Hannover
Großer Sendesaal, October 29 & 30, 2016

NDR staff:
Rita Hermeyer / sound engineer
Martin Lohmann / audio engineer
Meike Kloiber / FOH
NDR Kultur 2016 production, licensed from Studio Hamburg Enterprises GmbH

CD mixed and mastered by Klaus Scheuermann

Artwork © Uwe Kowski, Rückenwind, 2013
courtesy Galerie EIGEN + ART Leipzig/Berlin

Die von Luther geschriebenen und gesammelten „Volkslieder“ gehörten zu den stärksten Motoren der Reformation. Grund genug, zum Lutherjahr und 500. Jahrestag der Reformation einen neuen Blick auch auf diese Musik und ihr Vermächtnis zu werfen. „New Eyes on Martin Luther“ unternimmt genau dies und sucht dabei die gewissermaßen ökumenische Verbindung der verschiedensten Musiker aus Klassik und Jazz.

The "Volkslieder" written and collected by Luther were among the most powerful drivers of the Reformation. Reason enough, for the Luther year and the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, to take a fresh look at this music and its legacy. "New Eyes on Martin Luther" precisely does this, seeking an almost ecumenical connection among various musicians from classical and jazz backgrounds.

Nils Landgren
For the words versatility and curiosity, there is a synonym: Nils Landgren. Virtuosically, "Mr. Red Horn" navigates from perspective to perspective, partly because he thrives on constant change. Two souls reside in his chest: When the audience experiences him with his "Funk Unit," the Swede reveals his distinctive, relentlessly groovy side and becomes the jazz action hero. But there's also a very gentle, melancholic, highly sentimental Nils Landgren. This side of him emerges, for example, during the Advent season when the instrumentalist and singer celebrates "Christmas With My Friends," or in his ballad projects. On the trombone, he intones with unparalleled smoothness, and his uniquely textured, fragile voice touches the heart and soul with its sensitivity.
From €22.00*
From €17.50*