
Kudsi Erguner

VÖ: 01.06.1999

Genre: World Jazz

No longer available

ACT 9006-2, 6 14427 90062 3
Kudsi Erguner - Ney (Reed Flute)
Christof Lauer - Saxophone
Derya Turkan - Kemençe (Turkish Violin)
Michel Godard - Tuba & Snake
Mehmet Emin Bitmez - Ud (Luth)
Yves Rousseau - Doublebass
Hakan Gungor - Kanun (Sitar)
Bruno Caillat - Bendir, Zarb, Tabla, Daf, Traditional Percussions
Necib Gulses - Tanbur (Luth)
Mark Nauseef - Drums

Recorded at Imaj Studio, Istanbul, Turkey on May 1 - 5, 1998
Engineer: Walter Quintus
Produced by Kudsi Erguner & Walter Quintus

The first world music project that blends classical music from the Ottoman Empire with Western improvisation and jazz rhythms.

Kudsi Erguner
The Turkish-born ney flutist, composer and musicologist is one of the most important representatives of classical Ottoman music. As a master of the ney, a traditional Turkish reed flute, he has popularised the music of Sufism and Ottoman culture. In addition to releasing numerous solo albums, he has also collaborated with international artists. He has not only preserved traditional Turkish music, but has also realised innovative projects in which he combines Eastern and Western music. Kudsi Erguner is an important cultural ambassador who has contributed to the revitalisation and dissemination of traditional music in Turkey through his work.