Jazzrausch Bigband
The driving forces behind the project are Munich-based trombonist and music manager Roman Sladek and guitarist and composer Leonhard Kuhn, who also lives in Munich. The starting point of their musical journey is a Munich institution: the ‘Harry Klein’, one of the most renowned electro clubs in Europe. In 2015, just one year after it was founded, the Jazzrausch Big Band became artist in residence at Harry Klein and the young Munich audience went crazy. A big band in a techno club. Truly unique. For Munich and the world. The stages quickly became bigger, the band filled rock venues such as the Muffathalle as well as high-culture temples such as the Munich Philharmonic Hall and made guest appearances at renowned festivals throughout Germany. So it is no exaggeration to call the band a phenomenon. One that shows in its very own way what has long been bubbling and working in this music that calls itself ‘jazz’: today more than ever, it is the pigeonhole for what otherwise doesn't fit into any pigeonhole. And everyone, the musicians and the audience alike, have fun tearing down boundaries with relish. The music of the Jazzrausch Big Band, it seems, fulfils several longings in this context: those of clubbers for something more genuine, handmade, fresh and original.
